High quality video conference systems guarantee not only a perfect quality of sound and picture, but also confidentiality of the conversations. Their use allows you to save time and costs related to business trips and facilitate communication with business partners, customers or employees located in the scattered company branches.
Our customers of both smaller companies and big corporations as well as educational facilities have already acknowledged the benefits of our video conference systems.
Video conferences significantly increase the effectiveness of communication compared to phone conversations or e-mail. Interactive talks work perfectly for both the management and lover-level employees, as they do not limit the number or participants and can serve as a training or presentation organization tool.
The modern video conference systems integrate various communication tools, including online communicators or applications for sending and receiving multimedia content, at the same time cooperating with mobile devices such as notebooks, tablets or smartphones. They allow the user to talk from any location – office, home, restaurant or hotel room.
We offer the following solutions:
Cisco Collaboration